Sunday, March 23, 2008

American Zionism Irish perspective

Trying to Untangle the Corporate Media's Lies.

In Ireland we understand what the word (Shoah) Holocaust, (The Great Hunger) means. Believe me, we understand, its in our blood and our genes. Between 1845 - 1847 our population, was reduced from 9 million to 3 million by ethnic cleansing, by systematic, calculated, heartless, engineered famine. The revisionist historians have tried to re-write our history but this is fact. Our country too, lost 6 million people. It is so difficult, to forgive this, I am in tears about this but we must forgive and move on, for the future and for our children's sake.

As an Irish person, who is outraged by the systematic ethnic cleansing, being carried out currently in Gaza Concentration Camp, I have found the above, my most informative source, thus far, in trying to understand Israel and these war crimes. My only reservation, is the author's analysis of Leon Trotsky.

At this point, the only further addition I would make, is that we are in danger of allowing cerebral masturbation, to become a substitute for genuine human compassion and action, for the victims of the victims of genocidal war crimes. Currently monstrous war crimes are being committed by the US and Israel.

I personally believe our first action, must be a well organized, International Boycott of all countries currently guilty of war crimes. A simple majority of nations voting at the UN, should decide this matter immediately. In the meantime, I am currently boycotting all American and Israeli goods and services. I urge all intelligent people of goodwill, worldwide, including compassionate Americans and Jews to do the same.

I need help with organizing this, in an effective peaceful international way. We also need to find effective united ways, to deal with the considerable dis-information in the media, from very powerful agencies. This campaign to be effective and not fall foul, to black propaganda, must dis-associate itself entirely, from all violence, justified or not, to be effective.

Believe me, the propaganda and lies will come, so please, keep it peaceful, keep it

simple and stay united.

To stay United, I repeat, we must keep it simple, division and those who promote it,

is a friend of the enemy.

United we stand, Divided we fall.


We have powerful enemies and if you do not hear further from me, wherever you are, please continue this campaign, it will ultimately be successful. The word boycott originates in Ireland's struggle with British imperialism. If we stay united and persistent, it is the most effective weapon we have, internationally, to bring this perpetual violence to and end with justice. They will try to divide us, with propaganda, Above all else, keep it simple and stay United !.

We want Peace with Justice !


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