Thursday, March 6, 2008

"You are either With us or Against Us"

Israel keeps setting pre-conditions, as a pretext, to enter negotiations to talk about a peace. It is a mechanism which has been used to appear reasonable to world opinion and as a delaying tactic for decades now, since long before the Oslo Peace Accord, does anyone remember that ?. About two years ago Israel stated, that Fatah were not an elected party, to negotiate with, and demanded elections, as a pretext to delay further peace negotiations. The Americans as is usual in this matter, did what the Israeli lobby in Washington ordered and demanded, there be elections in Gaza and the West Bank.

Palestinians in good faith, doing what was possible, for the sake of peace, went ahead with elections. Lo ! and behold !, to the shock and horror of both the Americans and Israeli's, Hamas was elected the Government of Palestine, by the people in a free and fair election. The goal posts were moved again. Israel said it would not negotiate with Hamas and demanded that the the US designate them as a terrorist organization. The US, the supposed beacon of democracy, would not accept the election result and bowed to the stranglehold of the Zionist lobby in Washington and a compliant, subservient pimp press, once again and promptly follow Israeli bidding.

This ridiculous deadly game of pre-conditions, has been played out now, for more than forty years with the slaughter of innocents.The international corporate media, which is meant to be an integral part of democracy, are an essential tool in this process of criminalizing all dissent in the middle-east. Zionist Israel is disingenuous, fact. Zionist Israel has no interest in peace, quite the reverse actually, because every year that goes by without settlement, they are land grabbing and illegally building more settlements on the west bank. To be fair there is a minority of Jewish people who are sick of the killing and want peace. In Ireland we call people such as the Zionists, Land grabbers and they have currently left the Palestinian people, with less than 14% of their original lands, this is robbery with murder, its as simple as that, no excuses.

Anyone who is remotely familiar with the middle-east, knows these facts. These are the basic facts, at the root of all the wars against Islam for the last forty years, which incidentally included, what they term a terrorist war, used by Gold Meir to originally found the state of Israel, supported and funded by Britain. This is the fuel that feeds the Al Queda fire, this is one of the main reasons why they attacked the World trade centre in New York. War is big business and ordinary citizens of the US or Ireland are not meant to know this, hence press censorship. Hence the one sided pro-Israeli propaganda, in the corporate western media. There has been a war in the middle east, in one form or another, for more than fifty years now and the first victim of war is the truth.

Everyone knows what the solution is and its very, very simple, its not rocket science. All of these talks, about talks, is just a smokescreen from the truth. Every dog on the street knows that the solution is simply, that Israel return to pre-1967 borders, it is as simple as that. Palestine will have to make a sacrifice and go a step further than what Mahatma Gandhi suggested and recognize the state of Israel.


belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the
English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the
Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be
justified by any code of conduct. The Mandates have no sanction but
that of the last War. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to
reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews
partly or wholly as their national home. I am not defending the Arab
excesses. I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting
what they rightly regarded as an unwarranted encroachment upon their
country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong,
nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of
overwhelming odds."

Perhaps one of the most appropriate for remembering this great soul of Ghandi, is the tribute from one of Israel's most intelligent sons, Albert Einstein; "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood." It is however certain that these generations to come will have lessons to learn from the extraordinary life of Mohandas Gandhi"

The US is using this dispute since the Suez crisis, as an excuse to make war after war in the region to get cheap oil out of the Middle east. They ousted the British Imperialists, the previous robbers of people's natural heritage in the region, after the Suez saga. They do give them a little of the spoils of war in return, cheap oil contracts. They have just murdered "1,173,743" children, women and men in Iraq, and murdered 3,974 of their own sons as Cindy Sheehan will verify, since their illegal invasion. This includes the use of chemical weapons, torture, instigating tribal fratercide, spilling millions of gallons of human blood, in the faint hope of millions of gallons of cheap oil, in the future. All they have accomplished, is the installation of a pro-Iran government in Baghdad, how clever.

The plain people of Ireland, which was Britain's first colony, have plenty of experience of these underhand murderous barbarian tactics. We are quite familiar with the lies and propaganda of these liars and murderous Imperialists. Gaza right now has been turned into a Concentration Camp by Israel. Last week saw the executions of more than 120 prisoners, in this open air prison, including the murder of more than 20 children and babies by Israel. Presently Israel i slowly strangling Gaza and Palestinians depriving them of food, medicine and electricity. The most vulnerable, children elderly, sick are dying from this slow cold, heartless, genocide being committed by Israel.

Anyone who speaks about this or speaks the truth is branded a terrorist or an extremist. I am nether, I am simply an Irish citizen who is disgusted and made physically sick witnessing the daily Genocide at Gaza Concentration Camp, by Israel using American Jet fighters and weapons, paid for by you, the American taxpayer, to the tune of 3 trillion, tax dollars. To add insult to injury, they murder and slaughter babies and children in the name of religion and keep using the holocaust of the last century, as justification for another chosen race, to ethnically cleanse the middle-east of Arabs.

Its time the world stood up these bullies and said enough is enough. Israel and the US should be immediately expelled from the UN. There is more than enough evidence that both the US and Israel are war criminals. Any world citizen with a modicum of political savvy know this to be fact, we have witnessed it daily on our TV screens now for more than fifty years now, are you sick of it ?. The US and the Israeli response to articles like this, is to either use Mossad and secret agencies worldwide, to silence the messenger, or journalist, or torture them in secret locations, as designated terrorists, in secret torture camps, worldwide.

The truth will set us free but first, we must let the truth be free. Stop the Censorship. Contact your elected representative wherever you may be and demand that they immediately call for the expulsion, of both the US and Israel from the UN as branded war criminals. Do not settle for the common political cheap superficial platitudes of careerist politicians and nudge, nudge, wink, wink, complaints. Demand action now !. There can be no more excuses for barbarism and state terrorism. You are either with us or against us, make up your mind. We are either a civilized world or we too are barbarians. Its time for action, contact your elected representative immediately, NOW by telephone or email and stop this bloodshed.

Evil will prevail, while good citizens do nothing, as happened in Fascist pre-war Europe. Good citizens of Israel, we also need your help, we are aware you are there.
Silence on this matter is no longer ethical, this is Genocide !. Silence is tacit approval of War Crimes.

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