Sunday, February 13, 2011


Saint Valentine's Day, commonly called Valentine's Day, is on February 14 which is today. It is a day to celbrate love between close companions. This day is called after an early Christian martyr called Saint Valentine, who was made a Saint by Pope Gelasius in 496 AD. He was removed from the calendar of saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI who was a bit of a general bollix when it came to anything associated with love. It is by tradition, a day which lovers declare their love for each other, with things such as flowers, confectionery, greeting cards and sex.

Originally a day to express all sorts of love, not particularly associated with romantic rubbish love, until an English phecker called Chaucer turned it into lust love in the Middle Ages. Modern Valentine's Day symbols have been turned into mass-produced commercial greeting cards, commercial confectionery, commercial flowers and commercial sex, which is more about using and being used. So phuck it ! Phuck Valentine !

Early medieval "Acta of  Saint Valentine" were allowed briefly, according to 'Legenda Aurea' until St Valentine was tortured and interrogated by  the Roman Emperor Claudius II, himself. Claudius was reported to like Valentine and had chats with him, trying to put a bit of sense into him to convert him to paganism, to save his life. Valentine was a right eejit who refused and tried to convert Claudius.This is why he was executed. Before he died, he is said to have healed the blind daughter of his jailer miraculously in an act of love.

The reason that Valentine, Legenda Aurea, love and sex were a danger to the Roman Empire then and its subsequent British Empire passed on by the puritanical WASP establishment in the American Empire of today, is that the Emperor then, in order to grow his army, believed that married men, did not make good soldiers and were not good at killing. However Valentine performed marriage ceremonies for young men. When the Emperor learned about this, Valentine was arrested sent to jail and murdered.

 Most of the trouble though was begat by an English phecker called Chaucer or more appropriately called Chancer by the Irish, because he was the first to record the association of Valentine's Day, with sexual love as in Parlement of Foules (Parliament of Fools or Dail Eireann in Gaelic) by Geoffrey Chancer. Chancer wrote:
For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.

In 'The Righteouf Fquire Rascal of Charlef' there is an interesting account of a local English counte, who sold judgements on outsiders who frequented the village for orgies. Squire Rascal was known, somewhat affectionately in the village of Monmuthe as the 'jug-eareded cunte', or the 'fatte baftard of Avon'. He had something of a reputation for sending outsiders back to barbarian held territory, where anyone with black hair would be put to death, with red hot pokers. One particular passage of Empire Britannia's perverted Valentine love is quite explicit...

"'Ye outfidere folk cried do not put upon uf ye red hot pokerf, which scorch and blifter our anufef. But ye jug-eared cunte, Fquire Ruffel hearde non of it and even ignoring hif own adviferf of ye  Foreign Hall of the Council, did fend all ye outfideref back to have ye red hot pokerf thruft up their anufef. And all ye while ye ferrety English King did laff hif goolief off'."

Because of the English Chancer's perversion, it gave sex a bad press and is also the reason, that in the USA today, killing and war are cool but sex is banned and pornographic. Thus love and sex were declared pornography in the American Empire, as in the case of  the Roman Emperor, in order to grow his army, who believed that young men acquainted with sex, did not make good soldiers and were not good at slaughter or legalized murder. However Valentine performed marriage ceremonies for young men. When the Emperor learned about this, Valentine was arrested sent to jail and murdered.

So the Roman Empire passed all of this on to the British Empire, who in turn have passed it on today to the Americans. All of this was given the dubious title of civilization and has been responsible for the deaths of up to a hundred million young men who were virgins. This is also the reason that in the US of today, killing and war are cool but sex is banned and pornographic. The result is that Americans are very good at killing but no good at sex. So phuck it ! Phuck Valentine !.

It really is a question of choice, Phucking or Phighting ! Make Love or make War. So today is Valentine's Day! Phuck it !

Phuck Valentine ! because in our modern fascist world, you may be all dead tomorrow, as happened the last time it went fascist in hard rimes.!

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